a Background
with a background
From Grey Skies to Sunshine
Life in the 1960s was much simpler, yet it didn't really feel simpler back then because all that we could compare it with were the previous even simpler years.
Every era seems to be tougher than the one before it, although most times it is only our perception that makes it seem this way.
As a kid and later as a teenager, I had very little (if anything) to worry about, yet I don't recall myself having been an optimist, nor particularly a youngster with a happy disposition.
My skies were mostly grey.
That said, however, during my youth I became interested in Personal Development and things started to change for the better. Yet it was only in my maturity that I actually came into contact with the concept of learning by experience, rather than limiting myself to books and the occasional seminar delivered in the boring, traditional oratory style.
So, finally ... my first breaking of light occurred. I started learning Universal Principles that most Success Gurus would teach but, for the first time, it was being presented to me in person!
The sun's rays had finally broken through the clouds.
Year after year, my training intensified. Yet it was my constant practice that made the difference. By now, I was certified as an NLP Master Practitioner (by One Spirit Inc) and my exposure and experience continued to grow.
with celebrity hypnotist, Paul McKenna, in Earls
Court during the NLP Life Training Seminar.
with David Knight, founder: British Academy of Hypnosis, in the UK
The Other Side of the Coin
For many years I have been involved in the Corporate world, managing companies, an exposure that has always served as a platform for my training in human interaction and communication.
But besides the professional aspect, life also has its other facets, and my interest in Fitness led me to different forms of exercise, which varied from rigorous weight training to the softer styles of Chinese Silk Weaving exercises (which will be shared with you elsewhere in this website). In their own way, these disciplines benefit the individual both physically and spiritually.
This is who I am
I like to think of myself as a well-rounded person, one who is always looking for new knowledge, skills and experience in my field. But for me, knowledge on its own is worthless, unless it is applied and bears results, so I look for what works!
Moreover, I consider it my mission to help those who need and ask for my help.
The Practice
Some people call it counselling, while others see it as consultation, or mentoring, if not therapy. Although there may actually be all this, for me, a session is that time I spend interacting with you, quite often conversationally (although in a highly structured manner) and in a completely relaxed environment, so as to help you find and bring about the solution you need ... which might not always be the obvious one.
Whether my engagement with you is in a corporate or personal context, whether in a group or as a one-to-one session, you will always have my total commitment. Yet I ask the same from "you" because where there is no committment, there will be no results! Total committment can bring you the desired results ... naturally.
If I can help you, then I sincerely look forward to meeting you !
Your Move ...
So if you believe that it's time for you to make some changes in your life and you wish to contact me, simply email: "steve @ betterliferightnow.com" (without spaces) or go to the Services page for the "contact me" form.
But before you do phone or email me, please read the Principles laid out in the following pages. The idea is to ensure a basic understanding which can save your time so that once we do meet, you can immediately start working at reaching your target.
Terms of use: All services offered in this website are rendered following careful discussion and agreement with the client every time. The use of any services is, therefore, to be understood to mean that the client has considered and responsibly agreed to these conditions governing the rendering of such services. Moreover, any content found herein in whatever form is provided bona gratia and the owner of the website refutes any repsonsibility towards any claims related thereto. The material found on this site and given in one-to-one sessions is also available elsewhere and is in line with current trends in personal development.
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